Hip Hop Reader, CRS 360 Final Project 1 | Page 10

"In a recent experiment, 700 fifteen- year- olds were exposed to rap music. One third listened to sexually explicit lyrics, and two thirds listened to degrading lyrics about sex. After the experiment, each fifteen year old was asked about their sexual thoughts. Almost all of their responses had something to do with sex (Degrading). The results of this experiment are very alarming because they show how much rap and hip-hop music is affecting American youth. In another experiment, twenty teenagers who all disliked spicy foods were exposed to rap music. Ten out of the twenty listened to lyrics containing violent content. After listening to the music, each was asked how much hot sauce they would give to the other teenagers around them. The ten who listened to the violent lyrics said that they would give four times more hot sauce than the ones who listened to lyrics not containing violence. The results of this experiment shows that violent lyrics in rap and hip-hop music make youth four times more aggressive."

10 Hip-Hop Reader/ May, 2014