Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies - DUBOIS, Abbé Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies, Dubois | Page 78

38 CHAPTER Expulsion from Caste. By whom inflicted. — Cases in III which such Degradation is inflicted. — Restoration to Caste. — Methods of effecting it. Of all kinds of punishment the hardest and most un- bearable for a Hindu is that which cuts him off and expels him from his caste. Those whose duty it is to inflict it are the gurus, of whom I shall have more to say in a sub- sequent chapter, and, in default of them, the caste headmen. These latter are usually to be found in every district, and it is to them that all doubtful or difficult questions affecting the caste system are referred. They call in, in order to help them to decide such questions, a few elders who are versed in the intricacies of the matters in dispute. This expulsion from caste, which follows either an in- fringement of caste usages or some public offence calculated if left unpunished to bring dishonour on the whole com- munity, is a kind of social excommunication, which deprives the unhappy person who suffers it of all intercourse with his fellow-creatures. It renders him, as it were, dead to the world, and leaves him nothing in common with the rest of society. In losing his caste he loses not only his relations and friends, but often his wife and his children, who would rather leave him to his fate than share his disgrace with him. Nobody dare eat with him or even give him a drop of water. If he has marriageable daughters nobody asks them in marriage, and in like manner his sons are refused wives. He has to take it for granted that wherever he goes he will be avoided, pointed at with scorn, and regarded as an outcaste. If after losing caste a Hindu could obtain admission into an inferior caste, his punishment would in some degree be but even this humiliating compensation is denied tolerable to him. ; A simple Sudra with any notions of honour and propriety would never associate or even speak with a Brahmin degraded in this manner. It is necessary, there- fore, for an outcaste to seek asylum in the lowest caste of Pariahs if he fail to obtain restoration to his own or else he is obliged to associate with persons of doubtful caste. There are always people of this kind, especially in the ;