Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies - DUBOIS, Abbé Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies, Dubois | Page 13

PREFATORY NOTE By the Right Hon. It is difficult F. to believe that the of Mozurs, Institutions et Max Muller Abbe Dubois, the author Ceremonies des Pewples de VInde, By his position as a scholar and as a student of Indian subjects, he really belongs to a period died only in 1848. previous to the revival of Sanskrit studies in India, as inaugurated by Wilkins, Sir William Jones, and Cole- brooke. I had no idea, when in 1846 I was attending Eugene Burnouf at the College de Abbe was still living and in full activity in Paris the lectures of France, that the old and I doubt whether even Burnouf himself was aware of his existence in Paris. The Abbe belongs really to the eighteenth century, but as there is much to be learnt even from such men as Roberto de' Nobili, who went to India in 1606, from H. Roth, who was much consulted by Kircher in his China Illustrata (1667), and others, so again the eighteenth century was by no means devoid of eminent students of Sanskrit, of Indian religion, and Indian subjects in general. It is true as Directeur des Missions Etrangeres, that in our days their observations and researches possess chiefly a historical interest, but they are by no means to be neglected. They make us see how the acquaintance of European scholars with India began, and under what first steps were taken by these pioneers, chiefly missionaries, towards acquiring a knowledge of the ancient language of India, Sanskrit, and through it, towards gaining an acquaintance with one of the most interesting peoples and one of the richest and most original literatures The reports sent from India by the Pere of the world. Cceurdoux (1767), and published by Barthelemy in the Memoirs of the French Academy, the letters of the Pere circumstances the