Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies - DUBOIS, Abbé Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies, Dubois | Page 107

THE KALLA-BANTRUS this tribe known by come the the name professional thieves 67 and pickpockets of Kalla-bantrus. These people make a study of the art of stealing, and all the dodges of their infamous profession are instilled into them from their youth. To this end their parents teach them to lie obsti- nately, and train them to suffer tortures rather than divulge what it is to their interest to hide. Far from being ashamed of their profession, the Kalla-bantrus glory in it, and when they have nothing to fear they take the greatest pleasure in boasting of the clever thefts they have committed in various places. Those who, caught in the act, have been badly hurt, or who have been deprived by the magistrates of nose, ears, or right hand, show their scars and mutila- tions with pride, as proofs of their courage and intrepidity and these men are usually the chosen heads of their caste. They always commit their depredations at night. Noise- lessly entering a village, they place sentinels along the different roads, while they select the houses that can be entered with the least risk. These they creep into, and in a few minutes strip them of all the metal vessels and other valuables they can find, including the gold and silver ornaments which the sleeping women and children wear round their necks. They never break open the doors of ; the houses, for that would make too much noise and so Their plan is to pierce the mud lead to their detection. wall of the house with a sharp iron instrument specially made for the purpose, with which they can in a few moments easily make a hole large enough for a man to creep through. They are so clever that they generally manage to carry out their depredations without being either seen or heard by any one. But if they happen to be surprised, the Kalla- bantrus make a desperate resistance and do their best to If one of their number is killed in the scrimmage, escape. they will run any risk to obtain possession of the corpse. They then cut off the head and carry it away with them to avoid discovery. In the provinces which are governed by native princes, these villains are, to a certain extent, protected by the authorities, who countenance their depredations in return for a stipulated sum, or on condition that they pay the value of half the booty that they steal to the revenue