Letter From the Editor
ello again and welcome to the
November issue of HimPower Magazine. We hope you will be inspired,
moved and motivated by each article written
to inform and encourage you to let God help
you do great things!
November is American Diabetes
Awareness Month. As you know, diabetes is a
national health problem. While the diagnosis
of new cases has begun to fall according to
the Center for Disease Control (CDC), existing
cases remain high with more than 29 million
Americans living with diabetes and almost
three times that number, 86 million, are living
with prediabetes. The encouraging news is
the diagnosis of new cases is in decline, hopefully because more people are choosing to eat
healthier and exercise more. We are excited
to share a healthier way to manage diabetes
in an article by Terry Lemerond found in our
Health & Wellness section.
In our cover story, we highlight a
multi-faceted ministry that includes an
upcoming book. And our contributors have
filled the pages with inspiration to encourage
you in the faith. Be sure to take Angela’s Faith
and Fitness CHALLENGE to make a MindBody Connection to better health. Don’t miss
her article, it includes a November Special.
For your reading pleasure, we have another
compelling book review as well as more great
advice from “Ask Dr. Lomax”.
This is just a friendly reminder that you
have from now until November 25 to sign
up to WIN the 3rd and final FREE Annual
Hop Rocket Membership. Register now for a
chance to save on your vacation for next year!
And speaking of next year, we use January and February to refocus, rebuild, restore
and relaunch in the upcoming year. For the
past few months, we have been working
behind the scenes to fortify our position as
we look for ways to bring you a better experience in this space. We do so prayerfully and
thoughtfully as we seek to do God’s will in
providing information and resources to bless
you as a believer. And since our mission is to
inspire and motivate you to live more prosperously according to scripture (3 John 1:2), we
are enlisting your help in the process. Please
take a moment to answer the 3 questions in
our survey on page 9. Your feedback will help
us in determining how we can better serve
you in the year ahead.
Finally, we want to thank you for all
of your support over the past year. We have
grown, and you have grown with us. As we
wind down the year and give praise to God for
all His many wonderful blessings, we pray you
have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving
with your family and friends.
Until next month, to God be the Glory
in all we do and all you become as a result of
the blessings He has in store just for you!
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