and Against all Odds: Destruction Turned Into
A Blessing as well as producing and hosting
inspirational program Simply Victorious for
Life an inspirational program broadcasted
once a month via Facebook, Google, LinkedIn
and Youtube social media sites. Each month, I
bring inspirational messages to listeners that
are biblically sound, informative and spiritually
empowering. During each segment, listeners
are given the solid food of the word of God
and discover what it takes to live victorious
lives in Jesus. The ministry also consists of
authoring high quality books, screenplays,
articles and other written material utilized as
a means to minister to people and draw them
closer to God.
HimPower Magazine: What inspired
the name?
Jennifer Workman: To be honest, the
name just came to me one day out of the blue
and it sounded applicable to the message that
I was trying to relay to others that irrespective
of all that they encounter in life, they are, as
my motto suggests: “Empowered for Victory,
Created for God’s Purpose, They are Simply
Victorious in Jesus”
HimPower Magazine: What do you
enjoy most about the ministry and why?
Jennifer Workman: I love to prepare
and teach various biblical, theological and
cultural topics to a multitude of people via
correctional facilities and prisons, seminaries,
religious organizations, conferences, guest
panels, inspirational podcast or webinars, as
well as, produce and host Simply Victorious
for Life, an inspirational program that is broad16 HimPower November 2016
cast once a month via Facebook, Google,
LinkedIn and Youtube social media sites. I was
always told that I was “a great conversationalist” and that I had the “gift of gab.” I love using
my voice as an instrument for the Lord and to
bless and encourage my brothers and sisters.
I believe that is why I passionately pontificate
on a plethora of subjects that I know people
can relate to or have struggles, with the overall focus of leading them to Christ.
When I am not teaching and sharing
the “good news” of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
I am writing and I have been blessed along the
way to have a variety of my articles published
through digital, print and web i.e. HimPower
Magazine, Sarah Magazine, Inspired Women
Magazine, Ruby for Women Magazine, Faith
Filled Family Magazine and various others
and, I have also written different songs such
as Awesome God and Ooh Lord. Moreover, I
am Co-Writer and Editor of the book entitled
My Thoughts on God and the Men Who went
Astray, Why? Where are they? published in
2010 through Xulon Press Publishing and
Author of the soon to be released book Never
Say Never: Conquering the Storms of Life with
Unshakeable Faith and Perseverance.
I believe that everything that I write
about is written by the “Finger of God.” God
is the orchestrator of everything that I do.
When I write, I ask the Lord to help me and
he equips me with everything that I need to
write. I write on a variety of topics from salvation, sexual purity, relationships, health and
wellness to parenting and the list “goes on and
on.” In all that I write about, my main objective