HIMPower Magazine | Page 12

Commentary A Time for Thanks and Giving by Carol Douglas Lyles H ave you ever wondered why so many people only seem to give during the holidays? I confess, I have pondered this for years. I am amazed at how Thanksgiving transforms people, if only temporarily. It is the event that ushers in the season of giving to worthy causes for those who otherwise refuse to lift a finger, much less a helping hand for the remainder of the year. It somehow seems a little odd that our sense of philanthropy or “love of humanity” can be turned on and off like a light switch. As a result, it is literally feast or famine for those in need. At Thanksgiving for example, food is in abundance for everyone. Suddenly, the kitchens are cranked into overdrive to provide a bounty for the homeless, and those of us who are blessed with much get to poke our chests out for doing a good deed. And to a large extent, the flow of food, blankets, coats and other items continues through the Christmas holidays. What about the rest of the year? Are the hunger pains for the homeless lessened in January or February during the bone-chilling cold of a harsh winter? 12  HimPower November 2016 For those of us who have been blessed with having our most basic needs met and much more, there is a time for “Thanks” and for “Giving”—and that time is now, it is tomorrow, the day after, the week that follows and the months that roll into years. In other words, we should give “Thanks” to God for all that He has done, is doing and will do in our lives as often as we have the slightest recall of His goodness. We should also show our thanks to Him by “Giving” to Him and to the least of these in His Kingdom who lack the things we take for granted. So, this year, when you bow your head to give thanks at Thanksgiving, remember to ask God to give you a giving heart and spirit and the provisions to bless His Kingdom as He has so richly blessed you. Fortunately for those in need, God does have servants with giving hearts and hands throughout the year and next month we will share a unique way in which you can join them. (If you are already a giver, this commentary was not about you. It is for those who have not yet grown where you are in giving.)