Editor-in-Chief Carol Douglas Lyles
Art Director
Social Media Manager Kayla Alexander
Technical Support Harold T . Brooker , CDA Solutions
Publisher Pneu-Path for Living , LLC ™ 11134 Broad River Road , Suite B Irmo , SC 29063 www . pneupathforliving . com himpowermagazine @ gmail . com 877-222-7997
PUBLISHING GUIDELINES HimPower Magazine ™ is published monthly by parent company , Pneu-Path for Living , LLC ™ , with all rights reserved . Given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit , HimPower Magazine ™ is published to inform , motivate and inspire God ’ s people to strive to live more prosperously . It is produced digitally and viewable on most digital mediums including laptops , tablets , iPhone , iPad , Android and other digital devices . Paper copies available upon request . Send inquires and / or feedback to : himpowermagazine @ gmail . com .
DISCLAIMER Guidance and opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those held by the publisher . Any information provided by Pneu-Path for Living , LLC ™ via HimPower Magazine ™ or other form of communication regarding options for personal empowerment or wellness is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice , diagnosis or treatment . The information is provided for informational purposes only to make readers aware of other options available . Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with questions regarding any type of physical or emotional medical condition and treatment options .
For information about the Editor , go to the About Us page at www . pneupathforliving . com
A Notice Regarding the FREE HopRocket Memberships to be Awarded by Pneu-Path for Living , LLC
Notice : No purchase is necessary to enter to win either of the ( 3 ) HopRocket Memberships awarded by Pneu- Path for Living , LLC and will not increase your chances of winning . Winners of the HopRocket Memberships must be 18 year of age or older . The HopRocket Memberships awarded by Pneu-Path for Living , LLC cannot be transferred , redeemed , substituted for cash or merchandise , or used in any way other than as described under the terms of the HopRocket Agreement . Each HopRocket Membership is valued at $ 99 and may be subject to state , federal or local taxes . Any taxes applied to the acceptance of or use of the HopRocket Membership are the sole responsibility of the awardee of the Membership . All decisions regarding the awarding of the HopRocket Memberships will be made by Pneu-Path for Living , LLC and are final . Void where prohibited .
6 HimPower September 2016