Letter From the Editor
reetings and welcome to this month’s
issue of HimPower Magazine. I don’t
know about you, but I can hardly
believe it is October. Spring is a distant memory and Thanksgiving is quickly approaching.
As you may be aware, October is
Domestic Violence Awareness Month. What
you may not know is how prevalent the problem is and the toll it takes on individuals and
families. One of the most prevalent forms
is Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), which is
described by the Center for Disease Control
(CDC) as a serious, preventable public health
problem that affects millions of Americans.
What’s more, it knows no geographic boundaries as you will learn in our cover story.
From a spiritual perspective, it is evil.
And at the root of these evil acts is the intent
to inflict fear in the victims. Yet, those who are
students of the Bible know that fear is not of
God, that He has not given us a spirit of fear,
rather that He has given us the spirit of power,
love and a sound mind. And with these tools
endowed by His Holy Spirit, God’s people—
including victims of domestic violence—are
equipped to be more than conquerors and
victorious over the enemy no matter who or
what it happens to be.
It was through this knowledge and
faith that Eturuvie (aka Gabriella) Erebor, who
was once a victim of domestic violence has
survived and thrived. Learn in our cover story
how this anointed and appointed woman of
God has been equipped through her trials to
inspire women around the world.
We are also pleased to introduce
Angela Steel and Karen White. Along with our
core team of contributing writers, look for
more thoughtful reflections and inspiration for
your reading enjoyment. All of our spirit-filled
contributors are willing vessels who allow God
to use them to inspire and encourage you in
the faith.
No issue would be complete without
the great health tips and resources provided
by our contributors to support and empower
you to live well. Be sure to check out Terry
Lemerond’s article on the benefits of the
French OPC Grape Seed for Diabetes, Heart
(health) , and Cancer as well as some helpful
advice about a commonly prescribed high
blood pressure medication that poses serious
side effects in “Ask Dr. Lomax”.
Finally, Kevin Morgan’s review on How
To Knock a Bravebird From Her Perch by D.
Bryant Simmons is a must read. This captivating novel that centers on domestic violence is
sure to enlighten and dispel every myth you
have been led to believe.
Until next time, enjoy and to God Be
the Glory!
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