HIMPower Magazine October Issue | Page 37

Last week we replaced the light bulbs in our bedroom with LED daylight bulbs . With a flick of a switch our bedroom went from a soft light to a “ hello world ” light , if you know what I mean . The difference in brightness was amazing . I was thrilled , until , I spotted the dresser . It wasn ’ t the dresser itself , but the substance covering the dresser . Had someone crawled upon the dresser and died ? I mean there was enough dust for God to create a large person .

At once , I retrieved a duster and tried removing the dead person occupying my dresser . Then I discovered , not only was the top of the dresser covered , but the dust had also seeped into the crevices . As I dusted , I thought about the light and how its brightness had revealed the dust . And then a light bulb formed above my head and God reminded me that sin is like dust . It is there , it weighs us down , it creeps into every aspect of our life and it is nasty !
There are several lessons to be learned in Ephesians 5 : 13-14 . First , Paul is telling them that their evil intentions or sins will be exposed . Like the new bulbs that illuminated the dust on my dresser , one ’ s sins have a way of becoming public , at least two people know at once ; the sinner and God . Further , Paul tells them their sins will be revealed when the light shines on them . Does that mean Paul purchased new bulbs as well ?
When Paul states sin will be disclosed as the light shines on them , he is denoting that Christ , the light of the world will bring to light the hidden things of darkness ( John 8:12 ). When one becomes a Christian , we are given help from the Holy Spirit . One of the Spirit ’ s jobs is to convict us of sin . The good news is that Christ is in the cleaning business . He is more than willing to dust us off ( Forgive us ). But first , one must recognize they are sinning , ask for His forgiveness and turn from the sin .
In the following verse , Paul is telling them that the word of God says , “ Awake , O sleeper , rise up from the dead , and Christ will give you light .” He is speaking to those still living in darkness and sin . True light comes from Christ . He is the only one that can save us from our sins and impart to us the light we need to recognize and overcome sin .
When one has admitted they are a sinner , acknowledged that Christ is God ’ s son , repented of their sins and committed to live for Him , they are a new creature . They are given a light and task of letting their light shine before others . Matthew 5:16 states , “ In the same way , let your light shine before others , that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven ”. Christians are to model their life after Christ so that others wish to have a relationship with Him . So go ahead , shine your light !
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