HIMPower Magazine October Issue | Page 29

dardized to contain only OPCs that are small enough to guarantee absorption. A French OPC grape seed extract may: • Lower blood pressure • Stop deep vein thrombosis • Prevent diabetes and obesity • Speed muscle recovery • Inhibit tumor growth • Slow Alzheimer’s progression • Stop inflammation • Prevent oxidative damage There are many botanical ingredients that simply work wonders for our health. Grape seed extract is one of them. This amazing ingredient prevents heart disease, kills cancer cells, speeds the healing of damaged muscle tissue, reduces non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, reduces inflammation, and can even stop diabetes and prevent weight gain. Stops Diabetes and Obesity While I believe that the single most important thing you can do to manage your weight and prevent diabetes is to follow a healthy eating plan, there is no denying that grape seed extract can be a key part in getting healthy and recovering from sugar addiction. For example, a clinical study in Thailand found that grape seed extract reduced blood sugar levels after a high-carbohydrate meal. The OPCs in grape seed can help stop the sugar spikes that affect insulin levels and possibly lead to diabetes. Another study in 2009 found that grape seed extract reduced both buildup of abdominal fat and blood sugar levels. This was due, in part, to an increase of adiponectin, a protein responsible for regulating blood sugar, insulin metabolism, cholesterol, and inhibiting NF-kB activation and other inflammatory markers. Compared to the control group, the adiponectin level of the grape seed group increased 61 percent! Other scientific studies have found similar results with grape seed extract – it has been shown to activate cyclic AMP, protect against fat accumulation, and improve blood triglyceride and plasma lipid levels. For the full story, go to Terry Talks Nutrition® at https://www.terrytalksnutrition.com/  www.pneupathforliving.com  29