of Zion is a bit of a mouth full. And so DOZ
was finally selected.
HimPower Magazine: Is DOZ available
in a print version, if so, is it available by subscription?
Eturuvie Erebor: At the moment, people have the option to order print or digital
version of the magazine. And to make the
print copies available to our readers at a much
reduced price, we will publish print copies in
22 HimPower October 2016
the future and they will be available both by
subscription and sold in retail outlets.
HimPower Magazine: What type articles can readers expect to see in DOZ Magazine?
Eturuvie Erebor: DOZ Magazine is a
lifestyle magazine for Christian women. It has
the following columns, Love, Courtship and
Marriage, Grace and Beauty, Home Sweet
Home and Your Body is a Temple. And there is