how many times I was unfaithful to Him and
challenge that stands out in your mind as the
to my promises to Him.
most difficult, if so, why?
HimPower Magazine: Your struggles
Eturuvie Erebor: My most difficult
resonate with a lot of people, especially those challenge so far was my marriage and divorce
who have been victims of abuse and domestic and the reason is simple; when God called
violence. In what area of your life would you
me into ministry on the 21st of November,
say you have been victorious?
2002, He told me to break the yoke of marital
Eturuvie Erebor: Looking back on my
delay that keeps women single against their
life thus far I can say that
desire and prepare them
I have been victorious in
spiritually, emotionally,
many areas of life. God
mentally, financially,
indeed has been both
physically and socially
faithful and merciful to
for a glorious marriage.
me. Many years ago, I
This is not an assignment
think I was about 12 at
for a divorced person. I
mistakes God would
the time, there was a
could not afford to make
prophecy that I would
a mistake of marrying
create a miracle.
die. It was obviously from
outside of the perfect
the devil and it put a lot
will of God but I did and
of fear in my father. He
after going through emoinvited people into our
tional, verbal and physihome to pray for me. They were an intercescal abuse my marriage was suddenly over. And
sory team from a church and they camped in
I knew what that meant, I would no longer be
our house for about a week. And I was victoable to continue with the assignment that God
rious, I did not die. Then when I was 21, I lost
had placed in my hand. I had failed. But little
my dad and there were a few people who told did I know that out of my mistakes God would
me to my face that the attack that killed my
create a miracle.
father had been meant to kill me. After that
HimPower Magazine: How would you
there was another prophecy that I would die
say this challenge impacted your life?
before my thirtieth birthday, but once again I
Eturuvie Erebor: It completely altered
was victorious. Then I married outside of the
my life as I knew it I could no longer speak in
will of God and I went through physical, emo- churches or at women or youth conferences
tional and verbal abuse, lies and deceit but
as I had done prior to getting married. As a
once again I came out on top through God’s
matter of fact, many people in church saw me
grace and mercy.
as unsaved and it was evident in the way that
HimPower Magazine: Was there one
they spoke to me and it still happens till this 17