HIMPower Magazine May 2016 | Page 7

“ Ask Dr . Lomax ”

“ Ask Dr . Lomax ”

Dr . Lenny Lomax is a Licensed Physician & Orthopaedic Surgeon . He defines his role of physician as being someone trusted by patients and their families . ‘ Doctors are expected to heal , not cause more pain and suffering ’. Dr . Lomax acknowledges that natural medications have the potential to greatly improve the public ' s general health and wellbeing , as our country has become a nation addicted to pills , which is destroying our communities . His mission is to find a resolution to this pervasive problem by offering effective natural solutions to remedy this global problem . As he often states " I know GOD made me for this purpose . It makes my spirit full and motivates me ! I am so encouraged that I have been blessed with this mission . I became a Doctor to help people and that ' s exactly what I plan to do ."
Now , through HimPower™ Magazine , you can “ Ask Dr . Lomax ” questions that you may have about a health issue , a question you have been unable to get answers to anywhere else , something you may be curious about because of a report you heard in the news or read on the internet or how to apply the knowledge you now have to your situation .
Click here to submit your question and Dr . Lomax will answer you as soon as possible . He will reply back to the email you used to submit your question . He will then provide Questions & Answers that have broad application to health issues for publication in our new feature , “ Ask Dr . Lomax ”.
Guidance and opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those held by the publisher . Any information provided by Pneu-Path for Living , LLC ™ via HimPower Magazine ™ or other form of communication regarding options for personal empowerment or wellness is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice , diagnosis or treatment . The information is provided for informational purposes only to make readers aware of other options available . Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with questions regarding any type of physical or emotional medical condition and treatment options .