cannot take a chance on being interrupted by
the sound of the phone ringing, text messages
or a family member knocking on the door. No,
when I need to be certain God hears my cry,
my prayer closet is where I retreat in order to
request deliverance from an issue, prepare for
battle and receive the comfort of His peace.
So, when I saw WAR ROOM, it resonated with me that my prayer closet is indeed
a place of battle as I have sought healing and
deliverance for family and friends and forgiveness for myself. And I believe every praying
mother and grandmother has a sacred place
to pray for their seed whether in a closet or by
their bedside.
Prayer works! It is the way God established for us to communicate with Him and
ask for what we need. He knew before we
were conceived that there would be times
in our lives when we would feel desperation,
confusion, depression, guilt, shame, hurt,
anger, alone or even unloved. He wanted us
to have a way to connect with Him so we
could be reminded that He loves us and that
whatever we’re going through, He is there
for us. Jesus went so far as to tell us that He
would be with us always even until the end of
the world—and He has never wavered on His
Yet, as I look around at what is happening in the world and the conditions in which
children are being abused, misused and murdered—sometimes by their own mothers, I can
only conclude there are far too many mothers,
young and not so young, who haven’t established a prayer room where they can plead
their case with Abba Father. Whatever it is
that causes them to commit these desperate
acts could be resolved with prayer before it
ever occurred to them to do the unthinkable.
It goes without saying that fathers
should invest in and pray for their children
as well, they don’t get a bye if they are not
the caregiver. And when these children are
drowned or thrown out windows to their
deaths, I cannot help but wonder where was
the “family” when these children needed
someone to love them and keep them safe. It
is so heart-wrenching to see the loss of innocent lives—alone in the world, never having a
chance—because their parents, especially their
mothers did not know how to appreciate the
precious gift that they were from God or how
to give them back to Him through prayer.
As we approach Mother’s Day thankful
to our own mothers for praying for us, I challenge all praying mothers and grandmothers
to serve as intercessors for children who do
not have the covering of prayer--and to reach
out and mentor young mothers who have not
yet grown in the knowledge of God or understand why they need to put their focus on
Him rather than the things of the world.
If you are a little apprehensive about
approaching someone you hardly know or feel
may not be receptive to having you as a mentor and spiritual sister, casually mention in the
break room what a great movie WAR ROOM
is and that they need to see how Elizabeth got
her man back. The thought of drama may spur
their interest, initially, but once they tune in to
WAR ROOM, Miss Clara will take it from there. 17