Letter From the Editor
Welcome to the May issue of HimPower™
receive an answer directly from Dr. Lomax, we will
Magazine and Happy Mother’s Day! We hope you
publish the Q&As that have a broad application to a
enjoy our tribute to mothers with our feature on the
lot of people. We are very sensitive to your privacy, so
character, Miss Clara, from the movie, WAR ROOM
your name will not be published with your question
played by real life mother, Karen Abercrombie.
and your identity will remain confidential. So, if you
Also in celebration of Mother’s Day, we have
have a burning question that no one has been able to
some great articles from our contributing writers. Betty
answer or need help understanding how to apply some
Parker talks about the power of women in The Domin-
information, you now have a “Trusted Doctor” who is
ion of Deborah—a prophetess and unheralded leader