your checking account to savings every
People who keep track of their savings
often end up saving more, because they
have it on their minds. New phone apps •
are available to help people pass up
purchases they don’t really need – you
might want to try one!
If you are making investments, it’s good
to consult with a qualified professional
about your plans. Before you purchase
investments, be sure to build an emer-
gency savings fund to cover your needs
for at least three months. Keep the
savings in an insured bank or credit
union account that you can access if
you need it.
Many professionals call themselves
“financial planners.” Before you hire
one, ask for a description of the services
offered. A good place to check the
credentials of an investment advisor is
your State’s consumer protection office,
the State’s Attorney General’s office, or
the issuing agency for any professional
licenses or certifications.
For more Federal information, guides and helpful tools about the MyMoney Five Save and Invest
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