in this program. So I went and volunteered
my time to talk about professional skills,
interviewing techniques, and selling your-
self. Pause. This brings me to the next pause
moment. There was a woman in the class
that I asked to introduce herself. Something
about her made me pause. I knew there
was more the world could get from her.
She was so humble that it took me what felt
like 5 hours to reveal her professional goal.
After much questioning, I discovered she
not only had experiences leading several
teams in the workforce, but she also could
speak four languages. Four. To that end, we
talked about how to comfortably sell your-
self without feeling or sounding arrogant.
Bottom line, the world needs to know and
celebrate the ways you can make things
better than they are now.
After the interview skills sessions, I
joined the organization’s team in another
room to be matched with one or two of
attendees as a personal clothing and accesso-
ries stylist. How fun! Pause. Once I stayed, I
helped a woman pick out the most becoming
outfit, jewelry and purse for her next inter-
view. When it was all said and done, I
couldn’t stop giggling from all the fun I had
only to turn around and see the woman I
helped standing behind me with a hand-
written thank you card in her hand. The day
couldn’t get any better for me from there.
This is an amazing organization. The
team and its supporters not only equip
women, who have been through some sort of
trauma, to transition to the workforce, but
also helps enhance their smiles. Speaking of
smiles, some participants get FREE dental
work too. The organization also supports
women who are moving from military to
civilian life.
Now the latest pause. In the mist of
writing this story, I learned the Attitudes
and Attire facility was flooded. The flooding
damaged professional clothing that was
ready for participants to use on interview
days. It also destroyed the welcoming and
clean atmosphere that open the doors for
volunteers and attendees. What’s so beau-
tiful about this is the Director of the orga-
nization and her team stood tall with the
drive to move forward and continue to help
women who needed them. Today more than
ever, they need professional clothing, exper-
tise and additional donations so they can
continue to encourage and empower women
to reach their personal and career goals.
I admire them for the drive to continue. I
admire their mission, their gift, their team,
their volunteers, their love. I’m glad I have
opportunities to volunteer for these types of
Consider who or what makes you pause.
Examine whether or not this pause admon-
ishes you to give your time, your gifts, and
your relationship. Take in the reflection the
pause gave you and jump in the moment to
grow and celebrate what that pause brings.
Hope LeNoir, Forward Thinking Professional
Development Strategist and Coach, is the
Founder of Rise and Fly. 29