e are excited to share the story
of Marion E. Brooks, best-
selling author of one of the
most prodigious books on the
market. But, before we do, it is important
to remember
why his story
became a pos-
It has
been 55 years
since a moment
that mattered
the course
of American
history. In
that moment,
Dr. Martin
Luther King,
Jr. delivered
his, “I Have A Dream” speech during the
1963 March on Washington for Jobs and
Freedom. This speech, more than any other,
stamped his signature on the Civil Rights
Movement. One of the most prophetic
orators of the 20th Century, Dr. King
used his speech to help compel the federal
government to change its course in social
and economic integration for millions of the
nations’ poor and underrepresented in all
races and ethnicities.
For African Americans, in particular,
Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech spoke
into the consciousness of those who had
never considered the possibility that poor
children of color could play with children
of privilege, become friends, learn side-by-
side in public
schools, go to
college and
later work
together in
positions. The
mere notion
offered the
hope of a para-
digm shift that
would open
the door to
the previously
isn’t created to lead a people to the promise
land. Yet, there are moments that matter in
the life of every individual—and in those
moments is Christ. These moments deter-
mine in part who and what each person will
become, often leading to the discovery of
their purpose. Dr. King did not initiate the
Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks and
others had already laid the groundwork—
which was their purpose. As he emerged
as leader of the movement, Dr. King was
confronted with moments that mattered
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