HIMPower Magazine HimPower September 2017 | Page 5
Editor’s Note
reetings and welcome to the Sep-
tember issue of HimPower Maga-
zine. As always, we hope it blesses
and inspires you to live more
prosperously in every area of your life.
A few months ago, I announced we
would begin a series of cover stories enti-
tled, “I’m Still Here” to show the goodness
of God and highlight the testimonies of
individuals who have overcome great adver-
sity and have a powerful testimony to bless
others. In August, we featured Franklin
Bamberg, Jr., who you may recall was
severely burned from the inside out because
of an ADR (adverse drug reaction). Not only
is Franklin still here, he speaks at churches
and other groups sharing his story and
encouraging those who are going through
something that may seem impossible—but is
truly possible through faith in Christ.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness
month, so now is the perfect time to begin
the conversation about breast cancer and
survivors who have a powerful story to tell.
In this issue, we highlight a survivor who
beat breast cancer with a
non-conventional approach. She defied the
odds and her amazing story has propelled
her into a business and ministry that
teaches others how to be proactive in living
healthier and promotes wellness even for
those with chronic conditions.
As always, you will find great tips that
you can apply to your personal develop-
ment, financial strategy, health and wellness
options and spiritual inspiration. Be sure to
visit the himpowermagazine.com website
to see what you’ve missed since your last
visit. Check out the new posts on our blog
and articles that have been added for your
reading pleasure. And, of course, send us
your comments, we love to hear from you!
Until next time be well and strive to
draw closer to Christ daily. He promises you
won’t be ashamed. (Romans 10:11, 12:2)
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