HIMPower Magazine HimPower September 2017 | Page 26

taining optimal health. We help you learn how to understand your body’s language and to appreciate knowing how the body speaks. HimPower: How do you go about making recommendations for treatment of various medical issues? Edwards: We offer life choices pertaining to natural ways to assist your body in doing what it was created to do: heal itself. HimPower: Do you recommend clients speak with their healthcare professional before using alternative treatment options? Edwards: Yes. HimPower: Are there other components to your business and ministry? Edwards: Yes; in June of this year I started “Spiritual Healthiness”. I believe we can never really know ourselves unless we pray and ask God who we really are. We need a true intimate relationship with God, and we need to make God more real (our realty) than what we see and hear. If we believe there is a God and we make God greater than all, we can have a “reality” that 26  HimPower September 2017 will allow us to seek God and allow Him, though His Holy Spirit, to guide us through life, in order to be victorious in all aspects of life. Ultimately, we can live with a sense of peace, which will allow us the ability to live the life God created us to live rather than just existing through life and allowing world issues to control every aspect of our life. Because it is so important to understand the spiritual connection to physical and mental wellness, I conduct sessions on Spiritual Healthiness on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:00AM on Facebook Live.  Vernel Edwards has successfully dealt with hyperthyroidism, sciatica, eczema, tinnitus, cold hands and feet, plantar-fasciitis of both feet, hypothyroidism and a breast cancer diagnosis. She utilized the holistic approach with every health issue and, with the help of God, success- fully eradicated them all. For more information, she can be con