HIMPower Magazine HimPower September 2017 | Page 22
clients who are on their own journey to well-
ness. Some of her clients have been with her
for over a decade while others travel great
distances or connect with her online.
The blessings she now shares with
others were made possible because of her
faith in God--before her victory was evident,
when no one was around to witness her
story and long before her glory. We hope
that by sharing her story, you or someone
you know will be encouraged that a stead-
fast faith in God, total reliance on the
Holy Spirit to guide you and a disposition
of courage powered by faith will give you
victory over the enemy.
What better way to understand how
Edwards conquered cancer without chemo-
therapy or radiation than in her own words.
The questions we asked, had this purpose in
HimPower: Why did you choose not to
take the conventional route for treatment?
Edwards: I chose not to use the conven-
tional method primarily because I found
the lump (in spite of all the mammograms
I had received for years), and I had to insist
on having the lump checked out. My then
primary doctor advised me to go home and
not worry about it. She said, “You have
lumpy breast and I see here in your chart
that you have had some sort of “lump” for
years.” I was shocked at her response. I was
quite concerned, that was the reason I had
gone to her for advice. All my mammograms
reports said I was fine--that I had passed
and to go for another year. I actually believe
everything happened the way it did so I
22 HimPower September 2017
would not go conventional and that I am
alive today because of the path I took.
HimPower: Why were you so confident in
using an alternative treatment regimen?
Edwards: It just made sense to me to
clean the body out and not medicate it.
HimPower: Had you begun using alter-
native treatment options before you learned
you had breast cancer?
Edwards: Yes. I was already involved
with healthy natural options before any of
the issues I’ve had. Even my mother shared
with me that her grandparents were very
much into living off the earth. My mother
used red clay, tree bark, teas, salves and
ointments when I was a child. She passed
her love for living off the earth along to me.
I did not appreciate her knowledge until I
needed it to restore my health. You don’t
have to be into healthy natural options to
gain benefits from their usage. Many people
have turned to healthy natural options for
the first time and achieved health recovery.
For me, it was more appealing and the only
option I gave myself.
HimPower: Had you experienced any
symptoms before your diagnosis or did you
suspect something was going on?
Edwards: The only thing I remember
during the time prior to the diagnosis is how
my body craved sugar. I was a sugar addict.
When I did not give my body sugar I would
feel terrible. I remember thinking….. I need
help. What can I do to get control of this?
I had that thought for a long time. Finally,
a dear friend mentioned to me that she
was just about to start a body cleanse. She