HIMPower Magazine HimPower September 2017 | Page 18
a bearing on discrediting the use of iodine
for hypothyroidism?
Iodine was soon forgotten in favor
of new, patented pharmaceutical drugs.
Combined with that, other elements - chlo-
rine, fluoride, and bromide (iodine blockers)
- are commonly found in our environment
or consumed in foods. Cities use chlorine
to purify water instead of iodine. Fluoride
is in virtually all toothpaste and drinking
water. Bromines began to replace iodine in
commercial baked goods in the 1970s, and
are found in much of the refined flour in the
These minerals are dangerous and toxic
for your thyroid and block iodine receptors
throughout the body, mimicking its shape
but providing none of its benefits. In fact,
fluoride blocks the ability of the thyroid
gland to concentrate iodine – which the
thyroid requires to build hormones. And
bromide, a shockingly common ingredient,
can cause depression, headaches, and even
hallucinations. No wonder the state of
health is in such sorry shape.
Along with iodine, your thyroid needs
the amino acid, L-tyrosine. You may not