Editor’s Note
elcome Back HimPower Fam-
ily. Be encouraged in the Lord
today. I know—it’s easier said
than done at times. This is why
it’s so important for spiritual renewal to stay
encouraged in the faith.
When you look around and see sense-
less loss of life, devastation from weather
events, chaos caused by lust for greed and
power, you can’t help but wonder where it
will all end. And if you’re like most of us,
you have your own personal challenges
to deal with as well. It can and does get
discouraging at times. But Christ does
not want you to stay in that space. As he
prepared his disciplines for the work ahead,
he encouraged them with these words,
“lo, I am with you always, even unto the
end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20 KJV)
His profound declaration was meant as a
reminder for you, too. Remember to spend
time in communion with him daily so he
can give you the renewal needed to keep
you encouraged despite whatever is going
on in your life. I am a witness, he is and
always will be with you.
After you’ve spent some quality time
with him, read a book that inspires and
encourages. Incidentally, the book we’re
featuring in this issue does exactly that. 7
Women 7 Words, co-authored by, DiAnne
Malone and Hope
LeNoir, will resonate
with where you are,
where you’ve been and where you’re going.
And there’s more inspiration for you.
In Embracing Our Troubles, you are sure to
be inspired with the message of hope that is
found in surrendering your will to Christ.
Be sure to read Integrity and assess your
personal character to see how you measure
up and what to do if you somehow miss the
mark. Then, learn why real Leaders Never
Settle for the Status Quo in this month’s
leadership lesson.
Finally, we’re pleased to share Terry’s
Top 10 Best Foods, with a host of benefits
for your health and well-being. They are
worth noting whether you have a specific
issue are just a desire to know what is avail-
able to help reduce belly fat, lower blood
pressure and bad cholesterol, reduce risk of
heart disease and Alzheimer’s, stop cancer
and more.
Until next time, stay encouraged in the
faith. God loves you and so do I.
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