Hope LeNoir: We’ve not done any forums south and the church within that commu-
yet, other than our big book signing event.
nity. The town is called Sweet Fields, and
Many of the ladies have done some things
the folks who inhabit that town are lovely,
individually, but as a collective, we’ve yet
nosey, quirky little people who have all
to do something like that. We are, however,
kinds of adventures. I often call it southern
planning an online book club where our
church humor with a touch of romance. I
readers can
also have another
meet us on-line
book out that
to discuss the
is a devotional.
I’m working our narrative arc for a
writing process,
The name of that
the book, and
book I’ve tentatively titled “Come Sun- book is Light UP!
some of the
The title speaks
issues within.
for its contents.
purpose of having the energy to cele-
The devotional
Have you consid-
is a forty day
brate God on Sunday.
ered spear-
one with space
heading a similar
for reflection
project with girls? (It would seem to be a
and a short prayer at the end of each medi-
great tool for healing adolescent and teen
tation. The devotions are inspired by many
of the posts I have on my blog. I have a
Hope LeNoir: Oh, yes! We have been
couple of other projects in the works as
discussing a similar project for several
well. I’m working our narrative arc for a
groups: men, singles, couples, and definitely book I’ve tentatively titled “Come Sunday.”
a girl’s book would be so timely. Every time It is a book about rest, rest for the purpose
we discuss the book with other people, they of having the energy to celebrate God on
get excited about the prospect of using
Sunday. We don’t really rest for that; if we
different groups.
rest, we rest for ourselves and from others.
HimPower: DiAnne, we understand you
We don’t rest so that we will have the
have written other books, what can you tell
energy to worship not just on Sundays but
us about those?
throughout the week, through our lives’
DiAnne Malone: So, I collaborate on a
work. I recognized a while back that I don’t
novella series with a colleague of mine. My
use the Sabbath as a rest day, but a catch-up
pen name for that project is Rosee Garfield; day, and by the time I get to church, I am
hers is Hazel Lindey. The series is called, The so tired that I can barely engage in the
Church Chronicles of Iris and Locke. The book sermon, the choir, I even trudge around for
explores the interplay of residents of a small offering. I sit there waiting for the preacher,
but flourishing all black community in the
the choir, the musicians, the ushers to GIVE
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