DiAnne and Hope
Words are powerful — yours , mine and everyone else ’ s . Words are essential for communication . They are the stimulus when laughter is the best medicine and genuinely appreciated when comfort is needed . Words . You use them every day to communicate what you want , get what you need and respond to others when they need something from you . Words are universal . They are ordinary , and something everyone can relate to because it ’ s how we connect with and exchange thoughts with one another .
Words are even more powerful , however , when they draw people together around common interests and themes , evoking positive energy and actions . It is easier said than done , especially in book form . Recently , we connected with two amazing sisters who have achieved this lofty goal . They put their heads together and figured out how to make seven ordinary words extraordinary in 7 Women 7 Words . First , they selected seven simple words women can readily identify with , then added five remarkable women to their dynamic duo and pooled their talents to create a collection of inspirational essays that are a mustread for your book club . Not a membership of a book club , no problem it ’ s also perfect for your coffee table . Expect to experience a range of emotions : sidesplitting laughter for their irrepressible humor , delight in their victories , sadness for their pain and empathy for their fears .
You are probably wondering what the words are and we were tempted to tell you , but wouldn ’ t it be much more fun for you to discover them for yourself in the copy you place next to your bed ? We will offer one word of caution . Once you open 7 Women 7 Words , you may not put it down until you have finished reading it .
HimPower : Ladies , 7 Women 7 Words is a remarkable book ! It is equally raw and refined — raw , in that it grips readers , opening wounds that have become septic , begging to be cleansed — refined , because of its pure sustenance , providing much needed nourishment for the healing process . What inspired you to do this exciting project ?
DiAnne Malone : I think that we both wanted to do something together as sisters , so we brainstormed about what we could do
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