health-supporting polyphenols and oligomeric proanthocyanidins ( mostly known as OPCs ).
OPCs are the precursor to anthocyanins – the strong antioxidants that give red , blue , and purple fruits and vegetables their antioxidant power . These powerful components protect cells from oxidative stress , and have been researched for tumor inhibition , liver detoxification , reduced blood platelet aggregation ( keeping blood vessels from becoming clotted ), and muscle health in athletes . In fact , in one double-blind study , the nutrients in a whole grape extract increased muscle endurance by 24 %. Aside from those kinds of immediate physical results , OPC ’ s from grapes have also been shown to have protective antioxidant effects in the brain , supporting focus and cognitive health .
While I am a huge fan of the nutrient dense grape , there can be disadvantages in consuming large amounts . Grapes are one of the most highly sprayed crops . And , almost all grapes are grown in Chile where there are no restrictions on sprays and pesticides . If you can ’ t find organic grapes , another natural alternative is to look for organic grape juice . Keep the intake small . Since juice is very concentrated , you may only need 4 ounces two or three times a day for excellent cardiovascular health . Each serving would constitute a serving of fruit for the day .
We could really spend a lot of time looking at all of the great benefits of fruits and vegetables . I believe that you should eat a variety each day , because they provide so many valuable nutrients . Getting the amount you need really isn ’ t as difficult as you may think . After all , even one small apple counts as a serving . Carrots , rich in beta-carotene and blueberries , one of my favorites , and an excellent source of anthocyanins , are just a cup per serving as well . You can easily work those foods into healthy snacks or reserve them for an energizing dessert .
If you haven ’ t been eating a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet , start off by just adding a couple of your favorites at first and build up from there . If you can , I ’ d always recommend buying organic when it ’ s available . The last thing you want to do is jeopardize your health with chemicals just as you ’ ve been adding a better group of foods to your diet .
The foods I ’ ve outlined here are some of the very best that you can add to your
20 HimPower September 2018