HIMPower Magazine HimPower October 2018 | Page 17

6. ALMONDS We always think of almonds as nuts, when in fact they are really the seeds (or “drupes”) from the fruit of the almond tree. Almonds are a must for anyone who wants to lose weight, balance cholesterol levels, and reduce their risk of heart disease. They are loaded with folate, plant sterols, fiber, vitamin E and magnesium. And while almonds do contain fat, 78% of the calories come from healthy, monounsaturated fats that help build strong cells and keep arteries flexible. Almonds also lower homocysteine levels in the body. Homocysteine is an amino acid that is associated with damage to blood vessel walls, increased cholesterol oxidation (making LDL-cholesterol “stickier” and more likely to clog arteries), increased risk of stroke, and inflammation throughout the cardiovascular system. In fact, almond intake lowers levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker in the body. When you combine almonds with other health nutrients, including plants sterols, soy protein, and soluble fiber – C-reactive protein was reduced by almost 25%. That’s better (and much safer) than what you’ll ever see from statin drugs! For cholesterol balance, they are impressive too: in a clinical study, people with high cholesterol ate 1 ounce (a handful) of almonds daily and had a 4.4% reduction in LDL cholesterol; eating 2.5 ounces daily lowered LDL by almost 10%! And, if you are dealing with a few extra pounds, consider almonds as the perfect snack. One study found that overweight people on a low-calorie diet plus 2.5 ounces of almonds daily lost 62% more weight, 50% more belly fat, and reduced their blood pres- sure by 11 points versus the control group eating low-calorie food and foods equal to the almonds for calories and protein. It’s not just about calories. The kinds of foods you eat really do matter. 7. RED WINE The reason why red wine is so rich in protective compounds is because red and black grapes used to make the wine are already very rich in anthocyanins and other natural antioxidants. But red wine is also powerful because when the grapes are crushed, the whole fruit – including the nutrient-rich grape skins – is fermented. That gives it a very complete profile. White wine on the other hand, is made without the grape skins. The benefits of red wine are many: consumption reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer, promotes healthier aging, and slows the progression of neuro- www.himpowermagazine.com  17