ife never throws anything at you with-
out giving you options to get out of
it. The Bible says, “There hath no temp-
tation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer
you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will
with the temptation also make a way to escape.”
Consider your current situation? What
options are available to escape it? Do you
know? Are you ready to take steps?
The Bible includes the story of a young
man simply referred to as the prodigal
son. He was the younger son of a wealthy
man and one day he approached his father
and asked for his inheritance to be given
to him. His father obliged him and off he
went on a journey to a far country where
he squandered his money on riotous living.
Afterwards, a famine arose in the land and
he began to be in want. In desperation, he
joined himself to a citizen of that country
who sent him to the field to feed his swine.
He was broke and very hungry and would
gladly have eaten the pigs’ food but no one
offered him any. This is how low he had
sunk. He arrived in that country a man with
great wealth but was reduced to a beggar of
food, pig’s food.
However, he came to himself and said,
“How many of my father's hired servants have
more than enough bread, but I perish here with
hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I
will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against
heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to
be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired
servants.” He considered his options carefully
and arrived at a decision, to return to his
father’s house; because, in his father’s house,
even though he never regained his status as
a son, as a servant, he would have more than
enough to eat. He put aside fear; the fear of
rejection and the fear of shame and humilia-
tion and he arose and returned to his father.
Interestingly, when he got home, he discov-
ered his father was willing to receive him,
not as a servant but as a son. He discovered
also that his wrong doing had been forgiven
and forgotten and everything he lost was
restored to him the self-same day. The young
man certainly got more than he bargained
for when he set out to return home. No
mention was made of the inheritance he
squandered; rather he was given a welcome
banquet fit for a king. All this happened
because he was willing to take a risk and get
out of his ugly situation in spite of the fear
of rejection.
If you will get up and follow your heart,
in spite of your fears of rejection, your fears
of shame and humiliation, you will discover,
upon arrival at your destination, that what
you were afraid of never existed. It was only
a figment of your imagination to keep you
longer in the unpleasant situation.
Eturuvie (AKA Gabriella) Erebor is a writer,
public speaker, trainer, coach and the Founder
of DOZ Network.
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