Editor’s Note
elcome back HimPower Fam-
ily! As always, it’s a blessing to
engage you with what God is
doing through the writers who
faithfully contribute to HimPower Maga-
zine. It has been an awesome year, bringing
new relationships and resources to encour-
age you and keep you inspired.
It’s hard to believe but Thanksgiving
is here and Christmas is just around the
corner. As you pause to give thanks,
remember those who are hurting for what-
ever reason. Unfortunately, this time of
year is painful for many due to broken rela-
tionships, personal loss and other circum-
stances. As a member of the body of Christ,
you have been called to let your light shine
so others can see your good works and
glorify HIM. With this in mind, be sure to
give someone the gift of a smile, of friend-
ship, a warm meal, a much needed blanket
or coat—whatever God has blessed you with
enough to share. Your genuine concern will
brighten someone’s day as the love of Christ
shines through you. Regardless of how
small, whatever you give may be just what
they need.
With 2019 clearly in view, you are prob-
ably already thinking of some New Year’s
resolutions. Let’s say you have some goals in
mind such as getting a new job, changing
careers, writing a book, losing weight or
whatever. Congratulations! The only thing
better than planning
your goals is preparing
to succeed at them. And
your job just got easier
with NOW WHAT?!
Get OVER yourself and MOVE! by Inter-
national #1 Best Selling Author, Dr. Angela
Anderson. Learn more in our cover story,
What’s Holding You Back?
Finally, you may have noticed we
combined the Nov/Dec issue. Moving to a
bi-monthly digital magazine is only one of
the exciting changes we have planned for
the upcoming year. What this will do is free
up time and resources to make himpower-
magazine.com more engaging. So, expect
more content, more encouragement and
more inspiration--more frequently in the
upcoming year. Right now, we are finalizing
plans for renovation behind the scenes that
will enable us to support our new initiative.
Stay tuned and be on the look-out for little
reminders in the coming weeks.
Until then, Happy Thanksgiving
and Merry Christmas from all of us at
HimPower Magazine!
www.himpowermagazine.com 5