from, NOW
called to work
WHAT?! Get
in this space,
OVER yourself
I needed to
and MOVE! It is
time for you to
myself with
learn from Dr.
people who
Angela what
were already
inspired her
operating in
to write this
the field. I
Dr. Angela Anderson, with daughters Alexandra and Alexis and
everything and
husband, Dr. Otis Anderson III
First, thank
purchased my
you for taking
ticket. While
time to meet with me on behalf of our
there, I had a conversation with a gentleman
HimPower Family. I absolutely love your
who was also attending the conference. We
book! The title alone carries a powerful
began to have a conversation about purpose
message, and once I began reading, I was
and direction. We discussed the importance
amazed at how much substance there is to
of being aligned with your gifts. As we
the message. With that said, I realize there
continued to speak, I began to discuss some
is always a story behind the story. What can of the concepts in my journal. He asked me
you tell our HimPower Family about why
where the information came from and I told
you wrote the book?
him that I had written it. He then asked
Dr. Angela: I never set out to write a
if I had ever considered writing a book. I
book specifically. This book was my journal! responded by saying that I was open to it! I
At the beginning of each year, I always ask
am always very careful not to block oppor-
for divine direction for the coming year.
tunities with my words! He asked me how
During that time, God planted in my spirit
long it would take me to draft a manuscript
that I needed to keep a journal and I had
and I told him to give me 48 hours because
to keep it with me at all times. I was very
the conference was ending in two days.
obedient to the process. I even kept the
We met again before the conference ended
journal at my bedside while I slept. For
and I discovered that the gentleman was
approximately 4 months I kept this journal, a publisher. Thirty days after that meeting
only writing in it when I felt inspired to do
we published the book. I intentionally
so. In month 4, I attended a conference for
released the book on August 28 at 8:28 am
speakers and writers. I couldn’t explain it,
for Romans 8:28! The day before the launch,
but I KNEW that I needed to go to this
I questioned if the book would have value
conference. I knew that if I felt like I was
to others because it was so personal to me. I
24 HimPower November/December 2018