HIMPower Magazine HimPower November 2017 | Page 17
ou’re on the precipice of the week-
think he wants you to treat it any kinda
end, and aren’t you just ecstatic
way? You should take care of yourself so
about it?! I’m sure you’ve booked
that you will be physically prepared to do
and over-booked yourself for all
the work that God put you on this earth
kinds of fun and exciting events. You want
to do. If your mind is cluttered and over-
to catch up on your grocery shopping, you
booked with other things, what God ends
want to catch that sale at Macy’s, cook a
up with is your tired and worn out leftovers.
hot meal for once, finish that book you’ve
Would you want that from your significant
always wanted to start reading. You said
other? I think not. I want the rejuvenated,
that you were going to
refreshed, and over-
start walking, this very
joyed part of the
weekend. So much to
people I love and they
If your mind is cluttered and
do, so little time.
want the same from
Have you written
over-booked with other things, me.
rejuvenation into your
So what am I
saying, Who’s That
tired and worn out leftovers.
Even God rested,
Lady? Sit down some-
ladies. Jesus rested,
where, get some rest,
too. What makes you
so you can be ready
think that you shouldn’t? The weekend is
to do all the wonderfully purposed things
the time you take to rejuvenate your body,
God has for you to do. So you can smile a
bring everything down, relax, cool-out,
sparkling smile and laugh a tinkling laugh
woooosaaaa. But what do we do, we pack
that is rested and uninhibited by fatigue
our free time with all the things we didn’t
and stress. So your body can replenish itself,
get to do during the week. Your body is a
your blood pressure can lower itself, your
temple of God. Do you know how important skin can clear itself, your digestive system
the temple was in biblical times? First it was can clean itself.
carefully, beautifully, and wonderfully made,
In your journey toward becoming,
just like you. Second, it was set apart for
beloved, know that the temple God gave
a purpose, for worship and praise of God.
you was crafted ever-so-carefully and with
Third, it was meticulously maintained. Do
so much love. Respect what God has given
you deserve any less than that? Of course
you in the form of your body; give it the rest
it needs so you will be good for something
When we talk about stewardship we
great in your purposed journey.
always think of money or other material
DiAnne Malone is a book author, college
things, but you are a steward of your body.
professor and founder of Who’s That Lady Blog.
God gave you that body, and really, do you
www.himpowermagazine.com 17