HIMPower Magazine HimPower November 2017 | Page 15
Woman Empowered by Inspiration.
drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted
up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians
marched after them; and they were sore
afraid; and the children of Israel cried out
unto the Lord.” Now you need to know this
story to appreciate what is happening here.
At this point, these people were trapped
between Pharaoh’s army and the Red sea.
If moved forward, they would drown in
the Red sea, if they moved backwards
away from the sea or remained rooted to
the spot and did nothing, Pharaoh’s army
would capture them and in the process
some could be killed. Either way, it seemed
death was inevitable. They cried to God
and complained to Moses as they were
afraid and not sure which option to take.
God saw their confusion and stepped in to
take an option on their behalf. He said to
Moses, “Speak unto the children of Israel
that they go forward.” This may not have
seemed a very wise option, as it would result
in the death of all, by drowning. However,
they obeyed, in spite of their fears. Mirac-
ulously, as they moved forward, the Red
sea parted to make way for them to go
through. The enemy chased after them but
the sea returned to its place and the chil-
dren of Israel watched as the enemy they
feared drowned in the midst of the waters.
The children of Israel got more than they
bargained for when they moved forward
towards the Red sea. Firstly, they went
through without harm and thus escaped
Pharaoh’s army. Secondly, the enemy they
feared would destroy them was destroyed
and they never had to worry about being
forced to return to slavery; finally, they were
free indeed. All this happened because they
were willing to take a risk and go forward in
spite of the fear of drowning.
If you will follow your heart and go
forward, in spite of your fears, you will
discover as you take a step forward that the
obstacles on your path will give way to allow
you advance. God still causes seas to part.
Eturuvie (AKA Gabriella) Erebor is a writer,
public speaker, trainer, coach and the Founder
of DOZ Network.
www.himpowermagazine.com 15