HIMPower Magazine HimPower May 2018 | Page 29

W hen Ernestine was a little her away from Him—and the lesson that’s in girl, she defied God, mocked it for all of us. His congregation and cursed HimPower: Ernestine, you’ve been told profusely. After she accepted thousands of times what an inspiration you Christ as her Sav- are to women and ior, He changed her men of all ages and heart, crowned her all walks of life. And Once she surrendered her life to you didn’t get started with grace and gave her spirits of love with body building His, He began working on and and humility. Today, until your mid-50s. through her not only to bless oth- she is a beautiful Few people accom- ers, but to bless her—exceeding, example of what plish such a feat over He can and will a lifetime. How does abundantly above all she could do for anyone who it feel to be an inspi- ask or think according to the accepts Him. But, ration to so many power that works in her you know God, He people? didn’t stop there. He E. Shepherd: (Ephesians 3:30) had a plan for her You know, it’s a life and it included wonderful feeling, a ministry to inspire thousands of people to but I had promised my sister over 25 years get fit and healthier. Once she surrendered ago I would follow her dream if she didn’t her life to His, He began working on and make it. Little did I know that people would through her not only to bless others, but really love me, write me letters and tell me I to bless her—exceeding, abundantly above had helped them to gain a happy and confi- all she could ask or think according to the dent life. The key to anything is with prayer. power that works in her (Ephesians 3:30). I always start with prayer, and I encourage Ernestine found her power in prayer, and them to eat as healthy as possible. I practice Christ has blessed her beyond her wildest what I preach. Whatever I tell people to expectations. Even though she had never set do, it’s what I do. It’s just wonderful that I foot in a gym before age 56 (she was exempt have the love of so many people, but I am from P.E. as a child because of an accident), nothing without the Love of Abba. by 2011, Christ had enabled her to achieve HimPower: We know your sister played the Guinness Book of World Record for the a major role in your decision to become a Oldest Female Competitive Body Builder in body builder. How did she convince you? the world! But as amazing as it is, it almost E. Shepherd: I never would do anything, didn’t happen. Read her story and learn why I would just sit around and mope around. her anger at God came so close to pushing If you would have seen me then, everything www.himpowermagazine.com  29