Anything is Possible When
God is Your Mentor
by Eturuvie Erebor
fter I had written the article titled,
“Greatness Births Greatness:
The Impact of a Mentor”, some-
one asked me a very interesting
question, “Who was David’s mentor?” As
I began to answer I realized that I had no
answer readily available; so, I took the ques-
tion to God, and the answer led to the writ-
ing of a second article, “Greatness Births
Greatness: David the Man Mentored by
All mentor/mentee relationships looked
at so far reveal that greatness does give
birth to greatness and mentors have a great
impact on the destinies of those they mentor
because in mentoring, the personality,
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habits, success and greatness of the mentor
rubs off on the mentee.
An experienced and trusted adviser. A
mentor is a guide, a confidant, a counsellor,
a consultant, a master, a spiritual leader,
a teacher, a coach, and an instructor. The
mentor is experienced means that he/she
has followed the path and knows it well,
and that qualifies him/her to be a guide
and take the mentee through it. The mentor
is a consultant and so the mentee consults
with him/her before taking actions on major
issues or before making important decisions.
He/she is a teacher and teaches the mentee
from his/her wealth of knowledge and expe-