HIMPower Magazine HimPower May 2017 | Page 26

LEGAL MONDAY MORNING L AWYER Is it Legal to Carry My Weapon Across State Lines? by Eric Montgomery Q I’m a single woman, and recently I purchased a handgun for protection. I have a valid concealed weapons license to carry my firearm in Florida. I will be trav- eling to Maryland to visit family Memorial Day Weekend. What would happen if I were stopped by state troopers while traveling and my pistol was located in my glove com- partment? A When traveling with firearms in a vehicle across state lines you should make sure to check each state’s concealed carry permit law that you plan to travel through. This is par- 26  HimPower May 2017 ticularly true as you make vacation plans if you plan to travel by automobile. There are various websites that offer this information so that you can be informed of this import- ant legal issue. A search of one of these sites indicates that Florida and North Carolina have reciprocity, meaning these states honor the other state’s laws. You should consider consulting with an attorney to assist you in evaluating whether carrying your firearm across state lines might become an issue for you in states where the laws may differ.  Eric Montgomery, Esq is President & Attorney At Law, Montgomery Law Firm, PLLC, Charlotte, NC.