f you were asked right now, this very
moment, to say something about yourself,
what would it be? And would it be the
fact or the truth? The reason many fear
to reach for their goals and pursue their
dreams is because they see in themselves an
inability to succeed, and all because they
focus on the facts and not the truth as far as
their personality
goes. The truth is
no human being
was created small,
none was created
a mediocre and
none was created
a failure. How-
ever, we become
thus because we
judge ourselves
based on the facts
we see and not the
Gideon was created a deliverer of the
nation Israel, his assignment was to deliver
Israel from the Midianites but he did not
know this, so he hid from the Midianites.
The name Gideon means mighty warrior
and inside Gideon was a mighty warrior
who was later revealed for all to see, but as
long as he couldn’t see the true picture of
the man he was he could not become that
Gideon, like many of us, focused on the
facts and not the truth and so when he had
an opportunity to describe himself the fact
rather than the truth surfaced. He said that
he was the least person in his family, which
was the least family in his tribe, which was
the least tribe in Israel (is it any doubt he
was hiding). Now understand that Gideon
did not tell a lie, this was indeed the reality,
but it was not the truth. The truth was that
inside the man who was the least person,
in the least family, in the least tribe, was a
saviour who would deliver not just his family
and his tribe, but
the entire nation
of Israel. And
when he set his
mind to it, he did
deliver Israel.
Like Gideon,
many of us are in
hiding, we fear
to go out and
become all we
were created to be
because we judge
our abilities on
the facts (which have to do with our past
or present circumstances or failures) and
not on the truth (who we really are and the
power that resides inside of us and what we
can do if we just set our minds to it).
Learn to separate the fact from the
truth if you want to maximize your full
potential. Yes, it may be a fact that no one in
your family has ever attained greatness but
the truth is there is a seed of greatness inside
of you. Yes, it is a fact that you have failed
one too many times for your own comfort,
but the truth is you are not a failure you are
a winner; dare to come out of hiding and try
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