Hope LeNoir
When Passed
Over for
Promotion —
Here’s How to
We got a new
manager about
two years ago.
by Hope LeNoir
My peers and I
have noticed the she treats
the women in our department like we’re a threat. She supports the men and
the one woman who goes along with whatever she says. One of my friends
went to HR about it, but nothing was ever done. My girlfriends think I’m
crazy for staying, but I have invested 12 ½ years in this company and we
have good benefits. The problem is I’ve been trying to transfer to different
departments for the past 6 months but haven’t gotten any interviews. Before
this new manager came, I had made a couple of lateral moves at the com-
pany, but now I can’t seem to get out of this rut. I need help but am not
sure where to start or what to ask. Do you have any advice?
20 HimPower May 2017