rocrastination is the thief of time and
the robber of dreams and visions.
Many people with dreams don’t act,
they keep postponing action, waiting
for the perfect time and the right opportu-
nity and as a result, they die without realiz-
ing their dreams. What a tragedy, to lie on
one’s death bed and look back with regret
on a life of procrastination and missed
opportunities as a result of failure to take
So what are you waiting for before you
act on that dream of yours? While you are
trying to conjure up an answer or excuse to
justify your inactions, let me tell you a story
about a man named Jonathan. Jonathan
was the son of Saul, the first king of Israel
and although he should have been king
following the demise of his father, he knew
it would not happen because David had
been anointed king over Israel. Jonathan
did not resent David for this, as a matter of
fact the Bible records that he loved David as
his own soul and it was no secret that Jona-
than loved David and chose David over his
own father, because Saul once said to Jona-
than, “Do not I know that thou hast chosen
the son of Jesse to thine own confusion?”
Jonathan knew he could not be king
after his father but he had another dream
and that was to be David’s friend and
adviser when he (David) became king of
Israel. At the last meeting between both
men, Jonathan said to David, “Fear not;
thou shalt be king over Israel, and I shall
be next unto thee.” This was Jonathan’s
dream and vision but it never materialized
because he did not take action to bring it to
pass. He knew what he wanted out of life
but he did nothing to make it happen. If
he wanted to be David’s deputy, he should
have switched camps but, he didn’t and so,
it never happened. He died fighting a battle
he had no business fighting, and side by side
with a man he should have departed from.
He knew where he was meant to be but each
day that he procrastinated and failed to take
steps from where he was to where he should
be, brought him closer to his last day on
earth and took him further away from the
realization of his dream.
Each day that goes by without any
action on your part to move from where you
are to where you want to be has robbed you
of the realization of your dreams. If Jona-
than had moved one day before his death,
his life would have been preserved. David
did not go to that battle; he was turned
away last minute. If Jonathan had switched
to David’s camp, he would not have been in
that battle and he would have lived to see
his dreams realized.
What is it that you want out of life?
Where is it that you should be? If you know,
then stop waiting and start taking steps to
get there.
Eturuvie (AKA Gabriella) Erebor is a writer,
public speaker, trainer, coach and the Founder
of DOZ Network.
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