human. Jesus’ life provides many examples
of this reality and truth. For instance, the
night before His death, Jesus said to the
disciples, “My soul is crushed with grief to
the point of death. Stay here and keep watch
with Me” (Matthew 26:38 NLT).
Armed with the right information and
the right attitude, Christians can encourage
one another and be encouraged by each
other to practice preventative and early
detection health. Since March is observed
nationally as Colorectal Cancer Awareness
Month, what are some talking points for
encouraging one another towards colorectal
• What we eat matters in maintaining
colorectal health
• Other factors can also determine
colorectal health (genetics, environment,
alcohol consumption)
• Colorectal cancer (CRC) is preventable
and treatable
• Colorectal cancer (CRC) is highly
curable when doctors find the disease
early (the colon and rectum are the end
section of the digestive system)
• Eat a healthy diet to promote colon
health (Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables,
lots of fiber sources such as green leafy vege-
tables, oatmeal, grains, and beans), and
limit fat intake)
• Get moving to stay physically active
(walking, biking, mowing the lawn)
• Do not smoke (smoking is also linked to
colon cancer)
Taking a page from Daniel’s life (Daniel
1: 3-16 NLT), we learn that Daniel and his
friends encouraged each other to (a) reject
what they knew was unhealthy; and (b)
insist on being fed fruits and vegetables
as healthier options. Despite the King’s
food mandate, Daniel and his friends were
guided by their knowledge of God’s princi-
ples. All of them benefitted from the mutual
encouragement. Similarly, we need to be
informed and knowledgeable on a variety
of lifestyle matters that impact our health
and seek to keep the Temple as healthy as
Christian families must also be aware
of colorectal health screening options. Early
detection CRC screening can save lives.
If you want to know more, talk with your
doctor and/or community health clinic
providers about the options. The American
Cancer Society website,
also provides guidance on the screening
services available according to gender and
The Christian walk is one of relation-
ships – first with God and then with each
other. Let’s encourage and be encouraged
to improve our colorectal health. Remember
we can all make better choices within our
limited choices.
Mary Shaw-Ridley, PhD, MCHES is a health
education professional with over 25 years of
experience. She is the President of Shaw & Asso-
ciates, LLC, a health & education consulting
group. She is also Chair and Professor of the
Department of Behavioral & Environmental
Health at a new School of Public Health/Jack-
son State University. 15