HIMPower Magazine HimPower June 2017 | Page 18

HEALTH & WELLNESS Better Sleep for Better Health by Terry Lemerond H ave you ever spent a night toss- ing and turning, while your mind raced with thoughts of how you would tackle everything the next day would bring? Sometimes, if feels impos- sible to get a good night’s sleep. Thankfully, there’s a special blend of high quality essen- tial oils that can help quiet your mind and promote deep sleep and overall relaxation. Try it tonight and you’ll want to thank me in the morning! TERRY’S BOTTOM LINE Not getting a good night’s sleep can have devastating repercussions on our health and well-being. Unfortunately, over-the-counter sleep aids can disrupt our natural sleep cycle, leaving us feeling groggy and out of sorts. And prescription sleep aids can have disturbing side effects. We have better options—natural ingredients 18  HimPower June 2017 that can help us fall asleep gently and wake up refreshed—without harmful side effects. What if I were to tell you that one simple thing could improve your health and well-being, increase your ability to learn new things, help you stay on your diet, and make you less sensitive to pain? Wouldn’t you want it? This isn’t some miracle therapy that costs thousands of dollars. In fact, it’s free. It’s the everyday miracle of a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, many of us are short- changing ourselves by not getting enough sleep. We go to bed too late and get up too early. And when we do go to bed with the intention of getting a good night’s sleep, something gets in the way. We lie in bed, tossing and turning. Our minds race with the worries of the day or the chores of tomorrow. We try deep breathing, counting sheep, or other techniques to help us sleep.