HIMPower Magazine HimPower June 2017 | Page 5

Editor’s Note W elcome to the June issue of HimPower Magazine. June is a transitional month—the last day of school and graduations are over as families gear up for much needed vacations from the rigors of academics and the demands of work and look forward to summer break. It’s also a time when families that don’t have the means to take vacations from the grind find little or no escape from the daily chore of simply living. It can be a time when rising temperatures and tempers make for an unhealthy mix of emotions and range of behaviors. For adolescents, it’s a time when having a father or father figure can be crucial to developing healthy self-esteem. The majority of single mothers do the best they know to do to rear healthy, well-ad- justed sons. But as boys enter unchartered waters between puberty and manhood, the responsibility of helping them navigate through nonsense to making wise choices can be particularly challenging. As you prepare to celebrate Father’s Day with the father or father figure who has made a difference in your life, it seemed like the perfect time to recognize a man who is more than a father to his children, he serves as a father figure to thousands of young people have not been fortunate enough to have a father in the home. He is Byron Williams, former NFL wide receiver and Texas Hall of Famer . And to help keep you motivated, there is a bevy of articles inside for your reading plea- sure. You’re sure to be inspired, empowered, enlightened and equipped to live life more abundantly in spirit, health, wealth, busi- ness, parenting, career and personal devel- opment. Next month we begin an exciting new series featuring “survivors” of adversities entitled, I’M STILL HERE. We are thrilled to share their stories with you and hope you will join them and us in giving God the Glory and Praise for their personal victories. Speaking of giving God glory, we ask you to join us in giving God praise for the new website scheduled for launch on June 30. It has been months in the making with setbacks and delays. Yet, God is faithful and we are happy to report you will soon be able to stay inspired with our blog, comment on articles and ask our experts questions. So, save the date and see what God is up to next through HimPower! Until then, may God shower you and yours with untold blessings! And to all of the deserving men in your life—give them our best wishes for a Happy Father’s Day! Carol www.himpowermagazine.com  5