HIMPower Magazine HimPower June 2017 | страница 14

FOR YOUR INSPIRATION Are We Any Different than the World? by Jennifer Workman A s I sit and contemplate the times that we live in, I am constantly reminded that “there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).” We as people have not evolved much from the way we were in the beginning. Similarly today as it was in history, the focus is on financial attainment, popularity, rela- tionships and many other “worldly exam- ples.” The things that we as people gravitate towards and perceive as great accomplish- ments, achievements and successes in life are viewed differently from our heavenly father. The world’s mentality is to “acquire all that you can, doing what you can” but, the word of God tells us “what profit is it to man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul (Matthew 16:26)?” We have more at stake than just gath- ering up things in this life. Our spiritual wellbeing and where we spend eternity is the more pressing issue. That is why we as children of God need to be better represen- tatives to the world and how we represent the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We can’t get so caught up in the world’s system that we “water down” the Gospel of Jesus Christ to become popular or be seen as “politi- cally correct” for Jesus states in the word, “whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven (Matthew 10:33).” When people see us, they 14  HimPower June 2017 need to see Jesus exemplified through our lives and that is not through our own efforts or trying to make ourselves appear “spir- itual” before people, but, it is dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit to shine through our lives and help us walk as chil- dren of light. So as you go through your daily life ask yourself this question “Am I any different than the world?” Am I making it my aim to be about my “father’s business” or am I, like others, focused on myself and my own self ambitions?” People are dying all around us every day. Even though many people may not be considered physically dead many people are considered the “walking dead.” They are the “walking dead” because they are living in spiritual darkness without God as a part of their lives. So, my prayer is that we as people that have ourselves been “the walking dead” and saved by God’s grace and love, will make it our objective to better represent God in our daily lives and will be passionate about spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others, so that they may have life and that more abundantly through Christ Jesus (John 10:10).”  Jennifer Workman is an Evangelist, Inspirational Speaker, writer, song writer and founder of Simply Victorious Ministries.