HIMPower Magazine HimPower December 2017 | Page 5

Editor’s Note G reetings! As 2017 quickly draws to a close and the Advent season is upon us, it is a time for reflection and introspection. For many, 2017 has been a challenging year on many levels. Yet, our Savior has never left us. He has been with us every step of the way guiding, leading and strength- ening us on the difficult paths we’ve taken. Truly, it is because of His grace and mercy that we move and have our being. Because of Christ, we are blessed to see another day and in a matter of days the beginning of a new year. This month, our cover story has a special message for every believer. The message is inspired by the Holy Spirit for the cause of Christ. Be sure to read it and the articles by our trusted Authors. You are sure to be inspired, motivated and better informed when finished. Then, let us know what blesses you. It’s quick and easy. Simply go to the Contact Us page on our website at www.himpowermagazine.com and give us your feedback. Speaking of blessings, we are excited to announce every issue of HimPower Maga- zine is now FREE. Given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, HimPower Magazine is a gift from God to inspire His people to prosper spiritually, in health and in living above and not beneath. Each month you will receive a link for the latest issue. If for some reason you miss the link, you can always access current and past issues at www.himpowermagazine.com If you have family or friends who would love to stay inspired, tell them to sign up for “Free Magazine” on the magazine page at www.himpowermagazine.com Finally, as we wind down 2017 and gear up for the new year, we will use the month of January for planning and preparation for the remaining months. So, follow our blog in January and look for the first issue of 2018 in February. We have some great features lined up for 2 018 that are sure to inspire you! Until then, remember the reason for the season is Christ and have a Very Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year! Blessings... Carol www.himpowermagazine.com  5