HIMPower Magazine HimPower December 2017 | Page 15
Obstacles can be turned into breakthroughs
through divine confrontation.
ou may be able to relate with this
situation, that when you are about
to hit it big, someone or something
comes in and spoils the show. It’s
like a child walking in on his or her parents
in the midst of their passion.
It’s like the unexpected car break down
that just sapped the savings you were so
desperately counting on. It’s like the phone
call your prospect received just when you
were about to close that big sale, which made
him or her postpone or cancel the transac-
tion out rightly. Just when you were about to
get ahead, something or someone comes and
sends you back to the starting line.
In Acts 13, at the onset of Paul’s
ministry, when invitations where not as
forthcoming, a ‘promoter’ named Sergius
Paulus invited Paul and Barnabas to come
preach in his city. I imagine the anticipation
Paul had for those who would hear the word
and give their lives to Christ. You see, Paul
was shifting from success to significance.
He had had a wonderful career, but now he
had a calling and boy, was he excited. But
someone, Elymas the sorcerer, came along
determined as an obstacle, to spoil it all.
Paul could have waved the white flag and
fled the city. But instead, he did something
remarkable. He confronted the obstacle
and turned it to a breakthrough. He
pronounced blindness on Elymas and imme-
diately, without even preaching a word, the
promoter gave his life to Christ. Soon after,
the whole city came out to hear the gospel
and many were saved. What was meant to
be an obstacle had turned out to be a break-
Obstacles can be turned into break-
throughs through divine confrontation.
Every now and then, you ought to confront
that obstacle, that devil that’s standing in
your way, that is setting you back – in the
name of Jesus Christ. Scriptures declare:
That at the name of Jesus every knee should
bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth,
and things under the earth; – Philippians 2:10
By yourself, you will be defeated. But
with the name of Jesus Christ, nothing and
no one can stand in your way. Many times
your breakthrough is veiled behind that
obstacle that just came your way. Confront
that obstacle today in the name of Jesus
Christ, and turn it into a glorious break-
Evangelist Uche was born in Nigeria and is a
graduate of the University of Indianapolis (IN).
His ministry has taken him all over the world
spreading the Gospel.
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