echinacea extracts were compared to the
prescription anti-anxiety drug, chlordiaz-
epoxide (also known by the brand name
Librium®). Only one echinacea preparation
demonstrated a robust ability to reduce
anxiety in a wide dosage range comparable
to the prescription drug—the unique Echi-
nacea angustifolia extract. That’s the one I
This special echinacea root extract not
only met the drug’s anti-anxiety effects,
it exceeded them. It also didn’t cause
any drowsiness—a common side effect of
prescription drugs for anxiety. Aside from
drowsiness and lethargy, the other adverse
effects for chlordiazepoxide include confu-
sion, edema, nausea, constipation, menstrual
abnormalities, jaundice, altered libido, invol-
untary movements, and controlled substance
dependence/addiction. That’s quite a list. It
gives me anxiety just thinking about it.
And the potential serious adverse effects
for the special echinacea preparation? None.
Clinical research shows fast-acting
results. In one study, the special extract of
Echinacea angustifolia was tested with indi-
viduals experiencing increased anxiety and
tension. After just one day, the participants
noticed a reduction in stress and anxiety,
with an even greater reduction in just seven
And, in another study published in the
March 2012 issue of Phytotherapy Research,
people recorded noticeably reduced stress
and anxiety in just three days!
The study included 33 volunteers (22
women and 11 men) with an average age
of 41. All experienced anxiety, which was
assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory (STAI), a validated method of
measuring anxiety levels. Only individuals
meeting the threshold for elevated anxiety
levels were included in the study.
Participants used the echinacea extract
for one week, and anxiety was evaluated
before, during, and after using the product.
The extract decreased STAI scores within
three days, an effect that remained stable for
the duration of the treatment (seven days)
and for the two weeks that followed treat-
ment. There were no dropouts and no side
Aside from the lack of side effects, a
fast-acting, natural approach like this one
makes life much better, much sooner. With
other herbs, that’s not always the case. It
takes eight weeks to achieve significant
results with chamomile, three to eight weeks
for kava (depending upon whether it is a
water or ethanolic extract), and six to ten
weeks for lavender.
Terry Lemerond has 45 years of experience in
the health food industry as an owner of several
health food stores and dietary supplement manu-
facturing companies. He has researched and
developed over 400 nutritional and botanical
formulations and is considered an innovator in
the industry.
For more information, go to 19