HIMPower Magazine HimPower August 2017 | Page 9

Love worketh no ill to his Perfect love to be dead to sin and neighbor: therefore love is the alive to righteousness. I casts away all fear, including the fear strive to love Him more fulfilling of the law. of death and hell. perfectly each day. There It’s not about, “if is no denying my love Romans 13:10 I break one rule, for Him. He is my suffi- God will cast me to ciency. He is my all in hell”. It’s about, “I love God so much I don’t all. He is the object of my worship. He is the want to hurt Him today”. He has done so love of my life. This is Christianity. Christi- much for me. He has taken away my sorrow anity is not about rules, it’s about LOVE.  – oh glory halleluiah, He is coming to take Evangeli st Uche was born in Nigeria and is a me home. And for that, the least I can do is graduate of the University of Indianapolis (IN). love Him more every day. I am not perfect, His ministry has taken him all over the world I make silly mistakes. Mistakes that are too embarrassing, but this I do, I reckon myself spreading the Gospel. www.himpowermagazine.com  9