Bamberg: Probably not, unless they had
to diagnosis the adverse drug reaction?
treated someone who had previously had an
Bamberg: It was three days before they
allergic reaction to both drugs. I don’t hold diagnosed it correctly. By that time, my eyes
any animosity toward anyone.
were bloodshot red and I had a very high
HimPower: Did
fever. It continued
you ever imagine
to get worse. The
having something
last time I went
like this happen
in, the nurse prac-
from taking
titioner told me
prescription medi-
to go home and
get some rest. I
Bamberg: Not
wouldn’t take no
at all, I thought if
for an answer, and
the doctors gave
credit Dr. Beach
me the prescrip-
who made the
tion they would
right diagnosis.
do what they were
He looked at me
Franklin with his son, Jaston
supposed to do
and told me he
and everything
had to send me to
would be okay.
the burn center. I really credit him for me
HimPower: When it was happening, did
being here today.
it make your body feel flush or hotter than
HimPower: How long were you treated in
the burn center?
Bamberg: I didn’t feel hotter, I felt slug-
Bamberg: It happened on August 30,
2016, and I was there until November 8.
HimPower: What should a person look
HimPower: What was your recovery like
for if they suspect they are having an
after you got home from the hospital?
adverse drug reaction?
Bamberg: At first, I was not able to do
Bamberg: A dead ringer is if they get
anything for self. For the first six weeks, I
bloodshot eyes, a very high temper and
was out of it.
blistering skin. Also, bleeding of the stool
I was on a lot of medication so I
indicates a body burn.
wouldn’t feel pain.
HimPower: What advice do you have
HimPower: Once you became conscious
about taking medication?
of your surroundings, what challenges did
Bamberg: Take the least amount of medi- you encounter?
cation you can take.
Bamberg: My vision was messed up,
HimPower: How long did it take for them I was having problems with my eyes. My 21