The word of the Lord was rare
he heard of their evil
he punish them for
doings while they
their deeds. Also, he
widespread revelation.
occupied the office of
failed to show any
the priest. Eli failed
remorse for his failure
miserably in leading
to lead his family. In
his family, and so he failed miserably in
the first instance, an unnamed priest warned
leading the nation and ultimately lost the
Eli that he honoured his sons more than
priesthood. According to the Bible, Eli’s sons he honoured the Lord and made himself
were not only corrupt; they did not know the fat with the best of the sacrifices of God’s
Lord. The fact that they did not know the
people. At that point, Eli should have risen
Lord suggests that while Eli in his office as
to his responsibilities and addressed the
priest and religious leader taught the nation
wayward actions of his sons, but he did
about God, he failed to carry out the same
not. Then God gave him a second warning
duty in his home with his children. The little through the little boy Samuel, and Eli said,
boy Samuel, who became a priest after Eli,
“it is the Lord. Let Him do what seems good
was raised by Eli and Samuel grew before the to Him.” No remorse, no action taken to
Lord and knew the Lord. Eli raised Samuel,
correct his sons or the wrong they had done,
what he knew of the Lord, Eli taught him.
or intercede in prayers, he did absolutely
But, while Eli raised Samuel to know the
nothing. His response reveals the weak, laid
Lord, he did not do the same with his sons.
back, at-ease disposition of a man who at the
He was a leader who tried to lead outside his time was supposed to be the spiritual leader
home without first leading inside his home
of the nation.
and failed both ways woefully.
Little wonder that in his days the ark
Eli’s weakness is revealed in the way
of God went into battle and was captured
and manner he handled his sons’ actions.
by the enemies. Little wonder that both his
While he pointed out to them that he had
sons died in the field of battle. Little wonder
heard of their wrongdoings, there was no
that the glory of God departed from the
sign of remorse on their part for the Bible
nation, not to return for many years, and
says, “Nevertheless they did not heed the voice
thousands of men lost their lives needlessly
of their father.” They had no regard for his
in the battle against the Philistines. All this
authority as leader of their family and
happened because the nation was led by a
nation. Also, there is no record of Eli taking leader who was “fast asleep” and oblivious
any drastic measures to stop their evil
to the happenings around him.
actions, a sure sign of weakness on his part.
Eturuvie (AKA Gabriella) Erebor is a writer,
Twice, Eli was warned about God’s
public speaker, trainer, coach and the Founder
displeasure with his son’s actions, but he
of DOZ Network.
did not speak to his sons again neither did 45