HimPower: A lot of people are excited
about your new book that’s coming out. Tell
us about, Beyond Being Good and how you
arrived at the name?
K. McCain: Beyond Being Good is
probably my greatest personal accomplish-
ment! The full title is Beyond Being Good:
Seeking Christ’s Perfection for Our Imper-
fect Hearts. I’m so excited and absolutely
terrified at the same time because I am very
vulnerable in this book. I share a lot about
my personal journey and growth including
mistakes, life lessons and what led me to
Jesus. In a nutshell, Beyond Being Good is
about coming to a place where we realize
that our ability to be good has nothing to
do with being loved by God. Our culture
likes to use labels and I think “Good Girl” is
a dangerous label that many of us have tried
to aspire to be known as, only to fall short
in some way or another. We aren’t perfect
and we never will be until we meet Jesus
face-to-face. I struggled a lot with being a
“Good Girl”- trying to do everything right
while at the same time dealing with silent
struggles and too afraid to admit it because
of the fear of being a hypocrite. But, Jesus
didn’t save us to be “Good Girls”. Salva-
tion goes beyond our attempts at personal
perfection and the book deals with discov-
ering how His perfect love has the power to
do the perfect for us and in us, even in our
struggles and messes.
HimPower: Once your book is released,
where can our readers get a copy and what
do you want them to take away from it?
K. McCain: Beyond Being Good will be
released April 10 on Amazon.com, Barne-
sandNobles.com and ChristianBook.com.
It’s been a year’s journey and I am thankful
and excited to see the results of this project.
I hope local bookstores and church book-
stores will be open to selling the book and
allowing me to do some in-person readings
and book signings. What I hope is that
women of all ages will take away from this
book that Salvation is not about our efforts
to be “good”, it’s about allowing God’s
goodness to change and transform us for
His glory. So we can be open about our
struggles, knowing that no one is disquali-
fied from Salvation. It’s a gift—not a trophy
to be won. God’s perfect love is the only
thing that has the power to change our
hearts and once we begin to rely on His
perfection and not our own, then we begin
to live in the abundance of His love and
begin to walk in our mission and individual
callings in more authentic ways.
HimPower: Tell us about Pearls of Hope,
the organization you founded.
K. McCain: Pearls of Hope Outreach is
a nonprofit organization founded to foster
accountable Christian friendships among
young adult women for the sake of encour-
agement, Bible Study and outreach oppor-
tunities. We strive to operate in authenticity
so that women from all backgrounds realize
that Salvation is available to anyone and
that we are all in a growing process, whether
you’ve been a Christian for 10 years or one
HimPower: What led you to found it,
what is its mission and what is your vision
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